Free Counting Worksheet for Your Classroom

Free Counting Worksheet for Your Classroom

free counting worksheet

Who Doesn’t Love Free?

Every teacher loves getting something for free. Money is tight and finding a quality free counting worksheet can be difficult. We want to help – not just with counting but all sort of needs in the classroom! We will not only offer freebies in our Teachers Pay teachers store but also have created a free resource library you can join. Freebies in our store and in the library will vary in the subject area and level but will always be something you can use right away!

This blog’s feature…Pumpkin Counting! This free counting worksheet allows your students to practice counting and writing numbers to 10. It also reinforces patterning concepts. Download it now at our TPT store!

 Pumpkin Counting Worksheet

While you are there, check out our Pumpkin Preposition Worksheet for upper elementary. This worksheet helps students identify common prepositions and allows them an opportunity to use them in a sentence. Make your grammar lesson a little more fun for October!

Subscribe to our blog and FREE resource library today so you won’t miss out on any of the freebies being offered!